Sunday, February 23, 2014


The snow has been falling here in lower BC for over a day now. It's fluffy, and it's piling up. Too bad it's covering up all those buds on the trees...

It sure is pretty, though.
It's so foggy we can't even see the ocean.

I spent the morning watching Indian movies and poorly made commercials, and knitting mittens. I think there's sushi on the way now. I've also heard rumors of Greek food for dinner.

In the meantime, I thought I'd catch up on old blog comments. I really am an all-star at procrastinating. A few weeks back, my friend Teri mentioned my blog on hers as part of a nomination for a Liebster Award. Part of the "rules" state that I'm supposed to in turn nominate ten other blogs with fewer than 200 followers, but I'm going to come right out and admit the only blog I've ever followed for any length of time is that of The Yarn Harlot, and I know for a fact that she's got way more fans than that. Besides, I haven't even been keeping up with her in ... damn, I think it's been about two years now. Sorry, Steph!

Anyway, head on over to Teri's blog and check out what she's got. 

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